Το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό αναπτύσσεται μέσω προσαρμοσμένων μαθησιακών μοντέλων και πόρων και είναι δωρεάν διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά. Το υλικό αυτό μπορεί να ενσωματωθεί σε πανεπιστημιακά προγράμματα σπουδών και στους κόμβους οίνου και να εφαρμοστεί πιλοτικά με καινοτόμες μεθόδους που προωθούν την ανταλλαγή γνώσεων και τη βιωματική μάθηση.
Learning and training material will be developed in open source formats and online learning environment to be integrated in university curricula and wine hubs and tested in innovative formats that promote sharing of knowledge and experiential learning.
Check below for the winelab training platform, the Study “Learning landscapes: needs and opportunities in the wine sector”, and thewinelab Tutorial videos on soft skills for wine makers!
The winelab training platform
The winelab training provision offers material under 7 overarching topics/sections. All material is available in English, while selected units are available in Greek, Hungarian and Italian:
1. In the vineyard: This section is addressing the most widespread problems or challenges faced by European wine growers today, while suggesting solutions to them. The aim here is for the vine-growers to gain practical knowledge that will help them in their work.
2. In the cellar: This section is addressing the procedures implemented during wine production that are critical for wine quality.
3. Out of the cellar: This section is addressing the procedures following the packaging of wine bottles in the winery, i.e. transporting them to the selling place, storing in the selling place, ideal conditions for wine storage by consumers, as well as the actions that could add value to the final product.
4. At the marketplace: This section is addressing the necessity to use marketing and specialty sales techniques to promote wine products.
5. Sustainability: This section is aimed to engage and introduce sustainability to wine sector professionals, offering helpful tools and suggestion for the development on sustainable pathways within wine sector.
6. Globalisation: This area provides to wine sector professionals specific tools to manage globalisation opportunities and threats.
7. Digitalisation: This section offers tools and suggestions aimed to support wine companies and professional in making better use of resources they have.
8. Policies and regulations: This section aims to provide a practical guide for wine professionals and companies with advice and suggestions about policies and regulations.
You can access thewinelab training platform here
Learning landscapes: Needs and opportunities in the wine sector
A comprehensive, integrated study on “Learning landscapes: needs and opportunities in the wine sector” has been delivered: click here to download the full report in English!
Executive summaries are available in English, German, Greek, Hungarian and Italian
The report, based on desk and field research, laying down the European and national state-of-the-art in the wine sector, analysing related practices from an academia-business cooperation perspective, mapping learning needs and provisions and putting forward recommendations for enhancing university-business cooperation in the wine sector across countries and at EU level. Also on that basis, learning and training material will be developed and a number of engaging activities will be organised to promote cooperation and innovation in the field.
The winelab tutorial videos on soft skills
The project partners have developed a concise tutorial video on soft skills. The videos provide a visualised introduction to soft skills, highlighting their importance in the world of work in particular. Eventually, the importance of soft skills for winemakers is stressed and presented in an attractive and straight-forward manner.
Watch the videos here: