Το έργο The Wine Lab υλοποιείται από διακρατική κοινοπραξία με 12 εξειδικευμένους εταίρους από 5 χώρες της Ε.Ε. (Ιταλία, Αυστρία, Ελλάδα, Ουγγαρία και Κύπρος). Οι εταίροι της κοινοπραξίας, ακαδημαϊκά ιδρύματα με συναφείς ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες, ερευνητικά κέντρα στον αμπελοοινικό τομέα, οινοποιεία σε απομακρυσμένες περιοχές και επιχειρηματικούς εταίρους που ειδικεύονται στην επικοινωνία, την επιχειρηματικότητα, τη διασφάλιση ποιότητας και τον τομέα ΤΠΕ.
Τα μέλη της κοινοπραξίας συναντώνται τακτικά σε διαφορετικές πόλεις, φιλοξενούμενοι στις εγκαταστάσεις εταίρων προς ανταλλαγή τεχνογνωσίας.
University of Macerata (UNIMC)
“Umanesimo che innova” (The Humanism that innovates) is the principle on which the University of Macerata (UNIMC) moves, by integrating the longstanding tradition of a public university established in 1290, one of the oldest in Europe, with innovation. UNIMC is the only university in Italy that is completely devoted to human and social sciences, focussing research and didactics in subjects as education, cultural heritage and tourism, economics and law, political sciences, communication and international relations, humanities.
The University of Macerata looks ahead and conceives education as a means to develop the cultural identity of its students and suitable career options for them, providing undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses and single-cycle courses, international joint-degree courses, the School of Advanced Studies, the Summer School, the Doctoral School, the Confucius Institute and the ‘Collegio Matteo Ricci – Visiting Scholars’ International Programme.
Within the context of the globalisation process, the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism intends to develop research activities that are highly integrated with teaching and aimed at enhancing educational processes, cultural heritage and tourism.
The Department offers first, second and third level university education, which aims at preparing professionals who are able to operate in the areas of education, curricular and extra-curricular training and in the field of social and economic enhancement of cultural heritage and tourism. The research work is closely linked with the reference territory in the field of tourism and cultural heritage, particularly in topics as agri-food and agribusiness.
At the same time, while focused on the needs and resources of the territory, teaching and research activities also look at the international scene, and, in particular, towards the countries of the two shores of the Mediterranean.Contact person: Alessio Cavicchi
Title/Position in the organisation: Associate Professor, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism
Full postal address: P.le Bertelli, 1 - 62100 - Macerata, Italy
T: +39 0733 258 5919
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.unimc.it -
La Scurtarola
In the local dialect, Scurtarola means shortcut. This byway still connects the suburbs of Massa to Carrara, passing through the Candia Vineyards.
Our vineyard is situated in the geographic area of hills called “Candia”, in the northest part of Tuscany, which boasts a millennial tradition, that dates back before the ancient Romans.
Our land consists of 5 Hectares, entirely terraced, with up to 80% slopes, that often suffer from landslides and constraints us to a merely hand work in the vineyard, so that we are forced to personally control every single grape, and have the possibility to intervene each time it’s necessary.
Our family has been producing wine for over 160 years. We make wine only from our grapes, a selection of local varieties that we grow completely naturally, with no use of neither chemical nor organic fertilizer and no herbicide. We do not even water our plants. We only cut the grass. Our vines do not receive any treatment unless strictly necessary.
Our business has since always a really peculiar enterprising spirit.
Production has never been considered as a duty, but as a pleasure: zest for trying has always been the keystone of everything.
Our first goal as business is satisfying the needs of our public, by respecting the territory and by trying to use it to the maximum.
With the eye pointed to the future, holding the tecnologies and the changing time, we combine tradition and innovation.
From the year 2000 we started a new task: we are hardly working to find a solution to reduce and, why not to completely remove maybe one day, the use of solphites.
In 2010 we imposed ourselves to produce natural wines, even avoiding the additions allowed by law. To be faithful to this idea we don’t use any kind of industrial yeasts and not even industrial enzimes.
Also in the cellar our thinking is that wine evolves on its own, and only a great connection between the grapes and the cellar allows to produce wines with a strong character and a long life.Contact person: Pier Paolo Lorieri
Title/Position in the organisation: Owner
Full postal address: Via dell'Uva 36 - 54100 Massa (MS)
T: + 39 0585 831560
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.scurtarola.com -
CERVIM (Centre of Research, Studies, Safeguarding, Coordination and Valorization of Mountain Viticulture) is an international body, created by the Autonomous Region of Aosta Valley (Italy) in 1987. Its objectives are multiple:
- Protect, support, give value and promote mountain viticulture in extreme conditions, characterized by steep slopes and isolation, threatened by abandonment as a consequence of the territorial characteristics and the high production costs;
- Maintain official connections with private and public organizations that are able to protect and value the viticulture sector through contracts and conventions; promoting technical, scientific, cultural and promotional activities regarding the extreme viticulture through the organization of a wine competition;
- foster the presence of man in the areas of extreme viticulture, the conservation of the environment, the protection of the landscape and the maintenance of a constituent social and cultural fabric which is a prerequisite for the activation of development processes;
- enhance the quality of extreme wines, developing research, technological innovation and the dissemination of acquired knowledge;
- propose itself as organization of coordination of extreme viticulture in the organs and institutions operating at regional, national and international level.
Furthermore, in order to identify the wines produced in the areas of its interest, the Center has created the collective label "heroic viticulture", to be granted to the producers who will agree to comply with the relative technical specifications. The trademark has been registered and deposited at European level.Contact person: Valeria Vigna
Title/Position in the organisation: Coordinator of The Wine Lab project
Full postal address: Fraz. Château, 3 – 11100 Aymavilles (AO) - ITALY
T: +39 0165 902451
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε. ; Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.cervim.it -
Nico Lazaridi
Nico Lazaridis, a successful entrepreneur in the field of marble, never hid his love for the field of wine, a love that grew to become a business activity. His journey to the magical world of wine lasted more than two decades and led him, in 1987, to the creation of the NICO LAZARIDI Winery in the promising area of East Macedonia, and more specifically in the Prefecture of Drama.
In 1997, Nicos Lazaridis moves the head office of his company in the local community Agora, an area well-known for its wine-growing tradition, and establishes the Winery Château Nico Lazaridi. In a short while, his wines manage to become popular among the oenophiles inside and outside of Greece. Nicos Lazaridis has been a pioneer in the creation of an entire wine-production area in Drama.
In 2000, a new winery was created in the hillside of the Mount Pangeon at the Prefecture of Kavala: the Mackedon Winery and the new labels of quality wines expand even more the company’s horizons.
Through this attempt our company promoted the great potentials of the local vineyards, and inspired our highly skilled company executives who created unique products. At the same time, through the co-existence of art and wine, we delivered the message that the wine is a product of love, respect and long-lasting effort. Nowadays, NICO LAZARIDI produces 21 different labels, while simultaneously the total production level reaches around 1.100.000 bottles per year. Over the last four years, we tripled the countries where we export our wines, reaching the 21 and willing to enforce our export profile, we aim and invest in new markets. At the same time, we promote Greek and foreign artists through our wines. Their paintings that have been used as labels on our wines are exhibited in the art gallery “Magic Mountain”. Our main goals remain the production of high quality wines, the growth and promotion of the Macedonian vineyards and a highly regarded position in the field of wine worldwide.Contact person: Federico Lazaridis
Title/Position in the organisation: President and Managing Director
Full postal address: Local Municipal District of Agora
T: +30 2521082049
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.nicolazaridi.gr -
Our university: innovative, international, people-focused
Since it opened in 1994, our university has built a reputation as one of the most innovative and international higher education institutions in Austria.
Impressive results in a range of rankings underline the high levels of satisfaction among our students from Austria and abroad: the top marks that IMC Krems receives year after year in Universum’s Talent Survey, for example.
IMC FH Krems was founded as the International Management Center (IMC) in 1994 by Dr. Heinz Boyer, who is now the university’s Supervisory Board Chairman and majority owner. Eight years later, on 1 April 2002, we were awarded university of applied science status. Since then, the university has grown rapidly. IMC FH Krems currently offers 16 bachelor and 11 master degree programmes, as well as 3 continuing education courses – about 40 % of programmes are taught in English. Our programmes are closely linked to the university’s core focuses of business, digitalisation & engineering, health and life sciences.
The university education we provide stands out for its exceptional practical focus and emphasis on leadership and soft skills, as well as the extensive language-learning options available to students and project-based teaching in small groups. We do not think that our university should be an “educational production line”. First-hand learning experiences are fundamental to our teaching approaches.
Our international environment defines day-to-day life at IMC Krems: we have 137 partner universities, cooperate in many partnership programs and have attracted students from 50 different countries. Intercultural exchange, internships abroad, participation in international research projects, and lectures from teaching staff and guest professors with extensive international experience are part and parcel of what we do. Around half of all degree programmes are taught in English – an especially attractive aspect for foreign students.
Contact person: Albert Stöckl
Title/Position in the organisation: Program Director International Wine Business, Institute International Business
Full postal address: Piaristengasse 1, A-3500 Krems, Austria
T: +43 664 85 81 851
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.fh-krems.ac.at -
Weingut Schuster
Our family has been making wine for centuries. The earliest documentary evidence linking the Schuster family and wine dates back to 1772. With a mixture of intuition, a sense of tradition and the courage to be innovative, we continuously strive to produce high quality wine from our grapes. Our winery logo, a ladybird, symbolizes the environmentally conscious way in which we treat fauna and flora in our vineyards. The gentle cultivation of our vines lays the foundation for exceptional wines. We attach particular importance to the hand-picking of our grapes.
Roter Veltliner is the signature wine of our product range. This rarity among the white varieties is extremely important to us and is particularly nourished and looked after.Contact person: Thomas Schuster
Title/Position in the organisation: MA, winemaker
Full postal address: 3471 Großriedenthal, Hauptstrasse 61, Austria
T. +43 2279 7203
E. Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
Partner website www.weingut-schuster.at -
The history of the University of Pannonia can be best illustrated through the development of its respective faculties. During its colourful history, the university has always responded flexibly to the manifold challenges and needs of society, offering internationally competitive quality education and research opportunities besides functioning as an active contributor to the economic, scientific, and cultural development of the region.
Several prestigious awards attest the continuous and dynamic development of the University of Pannonia and prove its commitment to quality education, research, exemplary student services and societal engagement. The University of Pannonia produces, promotes and cultivates scientific knowledge, functions as the guardian and mediator of cultural values, creates quality and builds the spirit of universitas, and also opens new horizons for the educational, research and student community not only in the region, but also at national and international level.
Independent Institution of Economics was established in 2003 at the University of Pannonia. It was the progenitor of the recent Faculty of Business and Economics which was first in the country, received the Higher Education Quality Award in 2008 in the category of Organisation Unit.In January of 2014 the Faculty reached an important milestone; it become a member of the AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Membership is a valuable resource of the development of the Faculty, making international contacts and world-wide reputation. One of the main strategic objectives of the Faculty is to enter the international scene of higher education with widening its portfolio of foreign language academic programmes; offering bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate programmes in English.
Faculty of Business and Economics has an open eyes to EU funded projects to cooperate with other actors of scientific life providing focus on their own research area and letting influence by other skills and experiences. Results of the different projects are always built in the development strategies offering open-minded and modern approach to researchers, lecturers and students as well. Offering high level intellectual contribution, by quality driven education, research and related services, the school aims to contribute to the sustainable economic development, social welfare and to improve the competitiveness.Contact Person: Judit SULYOK
Title/Position: Senior Lecturer
University of Pannonia, Department for Tourism / Balaton Tourism Research Centre
10 Egyetem Str., H-8200 Veszprém
T: +36 88 624 672
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.gtk.uni-pannon.hu -
Regarding its size, the Balatonfüred-Csopak wine region is medium: 9th in the line of the 22 Hungarian wine regions, but it is one of the best if we talk about attributes. From a winemaker's perspective, this is the home of great possibilities. An unusual, sub-Mediterranean climate rules its grooved hillsides, whilst the varied soil of the unique 'terroirs' that have developed here can produce first class grapes. As far as types are concerned, this is traditionally a white wine region. First and foremost, the winegrowers pick Riesling, Szürkebarát and Ottonel Muscat. The region is lovely, enchanting and inviting. On the hillsides 150-200 year old press houses bear witness to the fact that once upon a time every family here was involved in grape cultivation. In the old days they used to say that those who do not go up the hill to prune the grapes, will find themselves in the graveyard by New Year's Eve. Nowadays it is not uncommon to find people who survive the year even without owning a grape in the region, but winemakers believe this is just by chance!
Following regional tradition, we also produce mainly white wines. Our vineyards spread across the slopes of Balatonfüred, Pécsely and Vászoly, over 23 hectares of first class soil in areas with outstanding microclimates. We deal with nine types, of which we naturally consider the Riesling to be the most important because this grape best embodies the character of the region.
Treatment of the grapes conclusively influences the quality of any given year's wine. We wish to produce unique and impeccable wines, which is unimaginable without the perfect raw materials - the perfect grape. Thus we carry out the work of nurturing the vines and the grapes with exceptional care.Our traditional little press houses, built at the foot of the vines, have provided for the family across six generations, but with the increase of the vineyards, their capacity was not enough. Thus we began to work on a new cellar at the beginning of 1997, at the Western border of Balatonfüred, on the Bocsár estate. The investment was completed in 2005 and by it the winery was enhanced by a building to satisfy all our needs.
Contact person: Dóra KOCZOR
Title/Position: Owner
Koczor Winery and Guesthouse
Bocsár dűlő 0118/12., H-8230 Balatonfüred
T: +36 30 7431508
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.koczorpince.hu -
Militos Consulting S.A.
Militos Consulting S.A. is a unique, dynamic and innovative 360° consultancy firm, with a strong European profile, international experience and many distinctions in the provision of integrated and groundbreaking consultancy services in a wide spectrum of fields, including 360° Information and Awareness Measures, Campaigning and Event Management, Culture, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vocational Education and Training (VET), Skills Empowerment, Employment, etc.
Militos holds extensive experience and expertise in mobilising communities, building and activating networks, designing, managing and implementing demanding events and large-scale campaigns and is well known for the smart, inventive, high aesthetic and quality material it produces, being the first choice as Communication and Dissemination Consultant for enterprises and (European) bodies, such as the European Commission Representation in Greece (Exclusive Communication & Campaigning Consultant), European Parliament Information Office in Greece (External Consultant), European Commission Standard Eurobarometer for Greece (National Editor), DG Enterprise and Industry (Intermediary Organisation for ERASMUS Young Entrepreneurs & Coordinator of the European Network of Mentors for Women Entrepreneurs); Embassies; NGOs. Within the last 6 years, Militos has organised more than 170 multidimensional events and dissemination actions with more than 50.000 participants, having received many distinctions for the quality of its services, the innovative content, the influence, efficiency and impact of its communication activities, including 2 european awards (DG AGRI).
With a track record of 56 EU-funded projects and activities, as leader or partner, Militos has longstanding experience and expertise in education and VET, mentoring, business consulting, entrepreneurial education and skills empowerment, the development of train-the-trainer methodologies, interactive e-learning tools and mobile applications, entrepreneurial networks/platforms and immersive games, with some of its past projects officially recognised as best practices. In 2015, Militos was heavily involved in the support and promotion of social entrepreneurship., running the project “Enterprising Socially” of the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency of the City of Athens, providing consultancy services, tools and mentoring to 40 social enterprises. Having formed "the downtown cluster", a powerful entrepreneurial ecosystem of collective wisdom with the Social Enterprise knowl for Education and Lifelong Learning, Militos is actively supporting the implementation of the awarded (Education Business Awards 2016) pioneer “Mellon-Skills Accelerator” project in the region of Attica, Greece for personalized skills empowerment of unemployed and NEETs with the aim to secure their entry and stay in the labour market.
Contact person: Christina Frentzou
Title/Position in the organisation: Head of Corporate & EU projects
Full postal address: Acharnon 335, 111 45, Athens
T: +30 210 6772129
E: fΑυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.militos.org -
Cramars Società Cooperativa Sociale, was founded in 1997 in the mountain area of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Its mission is the development of human resources and marginal areas, through training, social innovation and territorial development.
Cramars manages professional training courses addressed to employed or unemployed people and develops socio-economic researches, animates marginal communities and promotes development projects in the area.
A professional team of coordinators, researchers, trainers and counsellors, led by the supervision of the general director, follows the management and development of initiatives characterized by innovative ideas aimed at creating growth for people and the territory.
The institution is accredited by the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region and all training and guidance activities are certified ISO 9001.
All projects are born in concert with the needs of the social fabric and of companies, interpreting the needs of local authorities and maximizing the potential of the beneficiaries.
The Cramars method is therefore simple and concrete, it offers feasible and future-oriented solutions to be integrated in the labour market, stimulating the inter-sectorial cooperation among several stakeholders present in the area.
The company also has an international vocation: it adheres to calls for proposals and European projects both as a partner and as coordinator and manages research activities, creates training content, offers guidance services and disseminates good practice.
The issues on which the Educational Centre has more skills and experience are equal opportunities, social dialogue, employment, orientation, education, local development, business creation, working in partnership with public and private institutions, universities and European associations.
Contact person: Sara Danelon
Title/Position in the organisation: Project Manager/researcher
Full postal address: via della Cooperativa, 11/N - 33028 - Tolmezzo, Italy
T: +39 (0)433 41943
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.coopcramars.it -
R&Do researches, designs, develops and manages integrated ICT solutions, web-based applications and enterprise software systems. The company specialises in educational online platforms, ICT tools mobile applications, pioneer ICT projects, fostering the development of ICT skills of young and adult learners, contributing to vocational training for employability, promoting growth and innovation, supporting different sectors with a focus on the tourism, agriculture, environment and telecommunications industry. R&DO also designs and implements communication strategies and activities, produces dissemination material and handles both traditional and digital media. In this respect it has undertaken numerous projects, such as the development of cultural networks, running of campaigns and other community building initiatives. Among its major clients are: the Benakion Phytopathological Institute (design and development of website and communication strategy; production of various dissemination videos in the frames of the LIFE project “Conops”); Casino Mon Parnes (Pokergod, online trivia poker game for promotion of gaming offline sites); Militos Consulting S.A. (websites and campaigns in the frame of EU and non-EU projects and other clients), MSCOMM S.A. (design and production of online platforms supporting the Global Entrepreneurship Week, culturallia.com), the International Association to Save Tyre/ AIST (design and implementation of network community building and platform development).
R&DO is also partner to various co-funded European projects, including the Lifelong Learning Projects Farm inc., Taxistars, Core-VET, High Heels, Pest Practice and the Erasmus+ projects Intraprise, Rooms to VET, Succession, SocialUp, the WineLab, etc., being mainly responsible for platforms, websites and dissemination. R&Do team is formed by Senior Developers and Web designers and is well known for their high quality work and forward thinking. The company aims to the continuous development and commercialisation of innovative ideas in the form of products and services, mainly based on ICT.
Contact person: Mike Economou
Title/Position in the organisation: Senior Developer
Full postal address: 7 Michael Koutsofta, Building Mykonos 2, Office 102, 2000 Nicosia
T: +35 7 22887271
E: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.
W: www.rndo.eu