Τα Ζωντανά Εργαστήρια Οίνου (Wine Living Labs) προωθούν την γνώση, την ανταλλαγή και τη βιωματική μάθηση, μέσω δραστηριοτήτων όπως διαγωνισμοί ιδεών για την προώθηση και υποστήριξη καινοτόμων ιδεών, winethons, εντατικές ομάδες εργασίας hackathon-style υποστηριζόμενες από μέντορες με στόχο την παραγωγή καινοτομίας, εργαστήρια taste & create (γεύσης & δημιουργίας) με βιωματικές ασκήσεις, εβδομάδες οίνου για εκμάθηση και εκπαίδευση.
Taste & Create workshops are workshops involving researchers, students, and wine producers. This format of workshop has been used in the food sector e.g. for olive oil. Drawing from previous experiential learning exercises, these workshops provide useful information to producers who will understand how people see wines; this kind of information has been demonstrated to have a primary role in the perception of a company’s relative positioning on the market. The interactive process that characterises these workshops, favours the development of an attitude towards critical thinking, seen as a core competence for the development of an entrepreneurial attitude among students, and for achieving an effectiveness in the process of entrepreneurial education.
During the course of thewinleab project, 8 Taste & Create workshops have been organised and implemented by the project partners in Austria, Hungary, Greece and Italy.
Download here a summary of the winelab Taste & Create workshops.
Winehackathons are events organised to find innovative solutions to a problem by means of sharing between participants with different working profiles (students, researchers, wine makers, other stakeholders) and supported by an external expert who acts as chair and facilitator. They were be organised as learning events, according to the formula: introduction of the topic – working groups – presentation – debate – restitution, and have been participated by 15-20 persons (3-4 working groups).
During the course of thewinleab project, 5 Winehackathons been organised and implemented (4 by the project partners in Austria, Hungary, Greece and Italy, and 1 Transnational winehackathon)
Download here a summary of the winelab winehackathons.
During the course of the winelab project, two online contests have been carried out. The aim was to engage students, by drawing their attention to the project objectives. They were prompted to couple wine-making at the production level with research and cultural properties of wine-making and wine-consuming, as well as labour-market aspects (e.g. marketing, promotion). In particular, students got involved in practice at two different levels of wine-making; that of promotion and marketing (design of a wine bottle label engulfing cultural and market symbolism), and that of the organization and consumer-orientation of actual, small wineries at the local level (wineries visits). 66 students from Austria, Greece, Hungary and Italy participated in the contests. 7 winners have been announced for both contests by the international jury of the winelab project. Prizes included custom made wine bottles with winners' labels, as well as fine selections of wines produced by the winelab wineries-partners.
Click on the images to visit the contest pages for more information